Monday, March 23, 2020

Studio Week 5 Part 1 - Paper and Cardboard models

Constructing Paper model 

Constructing Cardboard model

Comparison of Paper vs cardboard

The most apparent difference between the two materials are the thicknesses which interplay with how easy they are to use respectively. Paper heavily relied on bending multiple layers and tabs to form a stable structure while the cardboard proved to be more stable and sturdy. However, cardboard suffered from its potential to crease and deform folds in a certain direction which affected the folding quality and ease of construction. 

Friday, March 13, 2020

Tracing the City - Assessment 2 Submission - Caleb Ng, David Ramos, Emilio Guevarra Churches, Lily Chen, Susan Tran

Group Members

Caleb Ng - Interior Architect
David Ramos - Architectural Studies
Emilio Guevarra Churches - Computational Design
Lily Chen - Architectural Studies
Susan Tran - City Planning

Studio Activities Links

Process Links

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Pedestrian Panorama Process

After the Interior Architect of our group, Caleb Ng, had offered to draw a recreate his scaled drawing of our site in illustrator. I was tasked to extend the Old Main Building illustration so that the pedestrian trails during different times of day around that immediate area could be communicated in our team panorama. This was crucial for Emilio (Computational Design) and I as we were delegated to record the door way frequency and stairway movement.

I achieved this by using a scheme of the Old Main Building to further and accurately project the building's interior shape from a plan view.

Illustrator screenshot

Old Main Building plan used

Initial Pedestrian Schemes

Final Pedestrian Panorama

Infographic Panorama Process

Initial Concept

To begin the process of designing our info graphics, our team had planned a variety of different concepts to test our knowledge of the colour theory and experiment with the presented results. We all agreed to use pastel colours and focus on a sense of minimalism to allow the information presented to be easily understood and transferred to the observer.

Concept 1 (chosen)

Concept 2

Concept 3

Concept 4


I was delegated in my group to focus on the food data set at UNSW. I deduced that the pie chart would be the best format to communicate this information as the data was focused on only four measured variables. 

The Pie chart was constructed using the circle tool and divided in the pathfinder tools once lines had been constructed. On a separate layer, the pie chart was duplicated and moved behind the corresponding layer to create a sense of 3-Dimension. Lines were projected to further encapsulate this. 

The shape builder tool were used to merge adjacent shapes and clean up the pie chart illustration

Initial completed Pie Chart and Infographic Panorama

Final Infographic Panorama

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Monday, March 2, 2020

On Site Studio 2 Activities

On Site Design Elements and Principles



Shapes (geometric or organic)


Direction (of lines)


Size/ Scale

Repetition or pattern





Colour Swatches

Image 1 




Image 2




Image 3


